Hand rendered floor plan in pencil
Kitchen Elevation Plan
Still life composition
Still life composition in 'S' Pattern
Composed still life sketch
Rendered still life in pencil
Rendered still life in pen
Rendered still life_ Cup and Saucer
Rendered still life_Violin
Thumbnails for Composition
One-point perspective of bedroom. Hand rendered in pen
One-point perspective of living area. Hand rendered in pencil
One-point perspective of Bakery. Hand rendered in pen
two-point perspective of bedroom. Hand rendered in pencil
two-point perspective of living area. Hand rendered in pencil
Furnitures in perspective. Hand rendered in pen
Furniture varieties in perspective
Human figures in perspective
Two-point perspective of a study area with a human figure gives liveliness to the space. Hand rendered in pen.
One-point perspective of a living area with a human figure gives liveliness to the space. Hand rendered in pen.
Quick concept sketch hand rendered using ball-point pen as a drawing medium.